Easily convert your cryptocurrency to Naira (NGN) and withdraw to your bank account within minutes.
Access and trade a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), USDT, USDC, and more, 24/7, 365 days a year.
Stay updated with live pricing on crypto-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat pairs, ensuring you make informed trading decisions.
Conveniently fund your account with various payment methods, tailored for Nigerian users.
Instantly convert your cryptocurrency to Naira (NGN) and withdraw to your local bank account with immediate execution, zero slippage, and near-instant settlement. Benefit from seamless and secure cross-border transactions, allowing you to send and receive funds effortlessly, whether locally or internationally. Maximize the potential of crypto for all your payment needs with enhanced security and efficiency.
30 day volume traded
Total volume traded
Create an account on OVEX and complete the verification process.
Transfer (NGN) to your OVEX wallet.
Select the cryptocurrency you want to buy or sell.
Enter the amount and place your buy or sell order.
Use OVEX's security features to protect your crypto assets.
Withdraw cryptocurrency on-chain via multiple different network options
Easily trade cryptocurrencies using (NGN), making transactions convenient for Nigerian users.
Receive dedicated customer support to assist with any trading-related queries.
Enjoy a secure trading environment with robust security measures to protect your assets.
Benefit from an intuitive platform designed for both beginners and experienced traders.
Withdraw cryptocurrency on-chain via multiple different network options
Access and trade popular cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, USDT, and USDC.
Local Currency Support
Customer Support
Secure Platform
User Friendly Interface
Withdraw Your Assets
Wide Range of Cryptocurrencies